Love, Joy, Peace...
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Welcome to Salem Bible Church.
Please let us know you are here.
SBC is an independent, non-denominational church. We are biblically based and committed to following God's Word in all our beliefs and practices. Our desire is to provide hope, change lives and develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We are excited you are here and would love to connect with you further. Please fill out all the information below that is applicable to you and let us know if you would like any specific information
Current sbcKIDS calendar & RESOURCES!
SBC Wednesday Night Suppers
$5 Suggested Donation, per person

We are also looking for volunteers:
We need help with prep, serving, and cleanup.
Whether it is one time, once a month or regularly, we can use you.

Questions? Or want to volunteer?
Contact Esther Campbell
SCS is looking for donations of 2-3 (non functioning) small engines or 3-4 (non-functioning) small appliances that our MS students can work on. We are also looking for experts in engine and small appliance repair to help us understand how these things work. Please contact Scott Bose at if you would like to be involved.
The Jamaica Youth Team will be collecting donations during fellowship time. We'll be accepting both monetary donations and the following items to give to the people we serve: crayons, coloring books, men's and women's hygiene kits, individually wrapped snacks (no chocolate), pencils, and pencil sharpeners.
Click here to help support this trip by giving online. Please designate your gift. If you are looking to give to a specific member, please use the memo line (click the +) Thank you!
Texts from SBC
Please opt in to receive notifications from SBC, such as closings due to weather, and power outages. Thank you!

By which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

2 Peter 1:4 (ESV)
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8:00 AM
Bus Trip to Sight and Sound- Noah 11am show

Join us to see Noah on Weds. June 18th @11am. After the show enjoy a late lunch at Miller's Smorgasbord. $124 includes ticket, lunch (including beverage & tip). Perkiomen Tours Coach bus transportation (paid for by SBC)

Tell us about any questions or needs that you may have.
Parents or Volunteers can add information about a new child reporting to sbcKIDS classroom, so that registration & safety staff will have necessary information immediately.
6:00 PM
W2W Praise & Sweetened Fellowship

Learn about the new Equipping Hour classes and sign up here.
Sign up today!
The Campbells, one of our missionary families, are planning to relocate to Guatemala. They have many items that they just can’t take with them. We are planning to host a Yard Sale, and all proceeds will support their ministry!

How you can help....
+Sign up for a table at the yard sale! Do you have some spring cleaning and minimizing to do? This is a great opportunity to support a missionary family.

+Come shopping at the yard sale!

+Pray for the Campbell family as they prepare.
10:30 AM
SBC Egg Hunt Set up

Volunteer to help at the SBC Community Easter Egg Hunt.

Also, the Salem Bible Church Medical Team is looking for additional team members. Did you know that every church service and most church activities are covered by at least two medical team members to help ensure the safety of our church family? As we move towards two services, we hope to expand our team to ensure continuing medical coverage. Any level of training is sufficient. If you have any questions please reach out to Aaron Kelley