Love, Joy, Peace...
SBC Equipping Hour March 9th - April 13th, 2025
Jesus calls us to be disciples who are making disciples (Matt. 28:19-20). He expects local church leaders to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Eph. 4:11-12). All classes are open to anyone from Middle School on up unless noted in the description.
1. SBC New Membership Class: Pastor George and Pastor Kevin Facilitator Looking for information about SBC, our history, our doctrines, core values, how we do things, our form of church government, our ministries and missions around the world. Come to this 6 week prerequisite to membership, where you will have the opportunity to learn all this and ask questions.
2. Biblical Archology: Larry Aston, Facilitator We will be viewing the Patterns of Evidence series by filmmaker Timothy Mahoney. Timothy grew up in a conservative Christian family and always believed the stories in the Bible. Now as an adult, he heard the many criticisms by biblical scholars. This caused a crisis in his faith and he decided he needed answers once and for all. He decided to use his profession as a documentary filmmaker to research answers. We will be viewing his film Exodus that looks into if the Israelites were in Egypt, when they were in Egypt and whether the Exodus happened as recorded in the Bible. Then we will view the Moses Controversy to answer questions like, “could Moses have written the Law?”, “Did the written Hebrew language even exist at the time of Moses?” and so on. If we have time, we will view the Red Sea Miracle to see if we can determine the path the Israelites took when they left Egypt and where the crossing took place. The films are long so we will try to start promptly at 10:45am and leave some time at the end for questions and discussion.
3.Doctrine of Angles: Doug Augustin & Paul Kilbride, Facilitators This 6-week study explores the biblical doctrine of angels, examining their nature, roles, and significance according to Scripture. Through an in-depth analysis of both the Old and New Testaments, participants will gain a clearer understanding of these heavenly beings and their function in God’s divine plan.
4. Practical Family Stewardship: Pastor Justin, Facilitator We live in a consumer world yet we are called to be good stewards. Advertisements are all around us. What are they promoting? What are they teaching our kids? Can they tell the difference between truth and lies? And what are they learning about money? If parents are not intentional about teaching their kids wise, God-honoring practices, the consumer culture that surrounds us will be more than happy to instill its own values in them. In this class we will explore Matt Bell's book "Trusted" as it guides us to teach our kids how to manage money well, which has a deep impact and contribution to the rest of life. We will learn to make use of natural teaching moments within the rhythms of everyday life to instill in our kids essential biblical financial perspectives and principles, equipping them for a lifetime of effective, joyful, God-honoring money management.
5. 1 & 2 Peter: Jim Howard, Facilitator ~ Near the end of his life Peter writes to gentile Christian scattered across modern day Turkey. After the rapid spread of Christianity during the 3 decades following Jesus’ ascension persecution increasing. Peter writes to all believers reminding them of the significance of the Gospel and its implications for everyday life. His concern for their welfare and witness resonates with believers in every generation.Peter speaks from the heart to strengthen and remind Christians as he realizes that persecution is coming. He wants to equip the saints to stand firm as his life comes to a close and his death draws near.
6. Volunteer in sbcKIDS; Only a 6 week commitment. Spend time and have fun with our kids!
7. Jamaica Youth Trip Training: Aaron & Stephanie Kelley, Facilitators
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Phone Number
Name of Family Member attending with you
Which class would you like to sign up for? (Required)
1. SBC Membership Class
2. Biblical Archeology
3. Doctrine of Angles
4. Practical Family Discipleship
5. 1 & 2 Peter
6. sbcKIDS
7. Jamaica Trip Training